Kristine B. Foss


Kristine is MSc in chemical engineering from NTNU with 10 years of experience.

Working offshore oil and gas wells, delivering project management systems, performing project readiness reviews, engineering, and quality management for two wind power plant projects in Ukraine, and setting up management systems for 300 MW wind power plants in Norway.
Now in a leading role with ammonia offloading system supplier.

Recent Projects

Process Lead

Process Lead for LNG terminals projects at ECOnnect Energy

Engineering and Quality Manager

Leading the work on engineering and quality towards the EPC contractor, Owners Engineer, and third-party design verification specialists ensuring required design standards and quality were met.
Working towards Lenders Technical Advisors (LTA) during the Due Diligence process which included discussing and mitigating technical risks.

Emergy AS

Engineering Lead

Implementing systems for engineering. Verifying technical specifications and compliance with Employer’s Requirements; Land management

Total Eren and Emergy AS

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